What We Do

We help improve medical surge capability and enhance a community's health system preparedness for disasters and public health emergencies.

What We Do

Before Disater Strikes

We educate and train the healthcare system on preparedness and response gaps.

During an Emergency

We identify and coordinate resource needs during an emergency through centralized communications and resource strategy.

After a Disater

We assess health care delivery system recovery after an emergency and facilitate recovery system and implementation.


We collaborate on a collective response plan that is informed by our members’ individual plans and supports strategic planning, information sharing, and resource management. This helps us to coordinate the region’s response strategies, track our members’ resource availability and needs, and clearly communicate this information to all HCC members, other stakeholders, and the ESF-8 lead agency.

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Members benefit by the training and exercises we offer that addresses health care preparedness and response gaps such as Continuity of Operations (COOP) plans and medical surge capacity and capability. We also assess the health care delivery system’s readiness using a variety of emergency response scenarios.

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We function like a centralized hub by coordinating with our members, government partners, and other HCCs to share best practices, resources, and planning strategies

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