Long-Term Care Training

COVID-19 Training for Long-Term Care (LTC) Facilities

The Healthcare Coalitions in the Region 3 Healthcare Coalition Alliance partnered with Jacksonville University’s Healthcare Simulation Center to develop a COVID-19 training initiative targeting Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities across North Florida.

This initiative is meant to assist with educating staff on issues specific to COVID-19 in the LTC setting.

Access the Training Video

Click the link below to access the training video.

The training package contains a training video, a pre and post-test, and training evaluation. The tests and evaluation can be used to validate the training concepts before and after the training, as well as be used to document annual training at your facility.



Post-Test and Evaluation

Training Video Topics:

The viewer may fast-forward the video to the desired training topic using the timing below.

*** Please email training evaluations to: hsc@ju.edu ***

Video Timing Training Topic
Start Video Introduction
1:13 Overview of COVID-19
12:22 Preparing Long-Term Care Facilities
27:04 Hand-Washing, PPE Donning and Doffing
32:01 Scenario 1: Mental Health Assessment of Staff
46:05 Scenario 2: Mental Health and Suicide Risk Assessment of Residents
1:12:12 Scenario 3: Long-Term Care Resident Nursing Assessment
Using patient/actor from the JU Simulation Center
1:15:17 Nursing Assistants Toileting and Transferring of Residents
1:16:10 Nursing Assistant Doffing PPE