
Chemical Catastrophe: A Virtual Train Derailment Exercise

The Region 3 Healthcare Coalition Alliance is partnering with All Clear Emergency Management Group to provide this virtual, discussion-based exercise series which can be used to meet your CMS ‘Exercise of Choice’ requirement. The exercise, which will be offered twice, will include an interactive, train derailment scenario that features both large and breakout group discussions. Each participating agency will receive a comprehensive After-Action Report and a certificate of participation that can be used to demonstrate compliance. Prior to the exercise, a member from the LEPC will present on the chemical selected for the scenario.

Flyer with More Information

Offering 1: September 14, 2023, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Click Here to Register

Offering 2: September 21, 2023, 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Click Here to Register

Real World Event After Action Template

This “Real-World” after-action report template is a modified Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program AAR template. This template was developed by the Coalition for healthcare facilities (non-hospital) to use to evaluate the effectiveness of healthcare facility plans that have been activated as a result of a real-world event (not an exercise). The template provides direction on what should be included within each section of the document.

The template has the following sections to address:

  • Real World Event Overview
  • Analysis of Plan Activation (includes a summary of Plan performance)
  • Strengths and Areas for Improvement
  • Improvement Plan Matrix (highlights issue areas and the corrective action to be taken)

Healthcare Facility (non hospital) – After Action Report Improvement Plan Template(MS Word document) Any questions regarding this AAR template can be directed to your respective Coalition lead.